
I got a Jars of Clay Ticket

Once there was a little girl who prayed to his Father above for a husband best suited for her.

The answer she got was wait..keep hoping..hold on to your dreams..and she waited, and hoped and held on to her dreams.

And then she prayed for a job, and after eight long years of anticipation, she got what she wanted, tho not exactly at the rate she deserved.

As she advanced in years, she learned that she can ask anything in the name of her Maker, and it will be given to her. But she thought ~~surely, it only happens to those who are religious~~ or ~~maybe to those who are extranice~~ or ~~if i asked for someone else, then maybe it can happen~~ And on she went with her life and her misconceptions.

One day, the Jars of Clay came to her city. Not that she had the money to go...she was saving for a Young Professionals Outing in Bohol, and the partial payment is due soon. So one night she decided to forego the concert. Besides she isn't very updated of their music. So why go?

Deep inside, she was bleeding. Most of her friends have tickets. She even booked for four of them.

God must have seen her secret misery. Out of the blue a call came. Free tickets to the Jars of Clay concert. Courtesy of a client. And it wasn't in exchange for virginity, as someone suggested. Just pure extraordinary blessing.

Sometimes when we think of God and his blessings, we can think of everyone else..Except us. Maybe when we deserve it. Maybe when we do more for him. But that is working opposite His Grace.

God's grace is his unmerited favor to his children. We think he will only give what we need, huh? I don't really need to go to the concert..But I wanted to. And I will. At no cost to me.

Isn't God amazing? Not only will he give concert tickets, he already gave up his life for all of us. It's up to us to invite him into our lives. From concert tickets, to healing, to that huge financial need. Including that husband the little girl prayed for herself. Oh yeah, even that job.

And we think he is too distant, he doesn't hear our prayers. Well, he does. Even prayers we don't articulate. I should know. I am that little girl.


My Lonely Valentine

Or was it?

I really thought I would crash. What with a loaded schedule weeks before that…a project that’s closing, which means pilot test left and right, training and a launching to organize. Good thing I work with very helpful people that really provided support all the way.

Aside from that, there’s a Young Professionals’ Valentine Activity, and a Holy Week Outing in barely six weeks. Initially I was assigned to host the party along with two others. I had to decline because I felt that I wouldn’t be as effective as I would have wanted to because of the stress and pressure at work.

As I kept telling friends, if Valentines Day wasn’t commercialized, I would have forgotten the occasion. And then of course I always thought that love should not just be highlighted every February 14th. It should be a daily lifestyle, that way when THE DATE comes, it should be something that comes naturally.

So, how did I spend my Valentine, you ask? Like I said I was seriously working. Then I went to that Valentine Activity with the Young Professionals from church. It was a very lively party, I must add. I requested this song by Daniel Beddingfield but I missed. I only got there at the third song, but it was fine. I had a sumptuous meal afterwards, and the friend we invited came and thoroughly enjoyed being there. The speaker discussed the principles of dating, which really boils down to encouraging the people to go out and date. But date responsibly. Date with a purpose. And date with God in the picture.

And armed with that knowledge, off we went to Crossroads for more music and singing at K1, or so we thought. When we got there it was so full. We had friends who were there ahead but we couldn’t cramp in their room because we wanted to sing as well. So my friends with me just decided to go someplace for coffee. So we chilled at CafĂ© Teatro, until about midnight when the bar owner approached us for drinks, on the house.

Well, we had so much fun there. We danced a lot…at least I did. And the music was so cool. My friends kept saying it was going to be our last song and then we leave. We finally mustered the courage to leave at 2:00 a.m. Whatta night..!

Lonely Valentine?!? Naaahhh…Hahaha! Not a chance!