
In Our HoMe...

I have long been looking out for one of those family rules wall decal but can't seem to justify how it is worthy shelling out a couple of dollars for a single income family like mine when it could have been spent elsewhere. Until I saw a framed artwork tutorial and later my lovely friend's picture frame of her beautiful daughter that I thought it could work.

I must admit that when I bought my 54 x 74 cm wall frame from Ikea, I had every intention of making a DYI equivalent of the expensive decal but I was thinking of using the chalkboard or whiteboard paper. However when I eventually got the materials, it immediately posed a problem because I had to cut it to a size that will fit the frame and the obvious  being that I had to write on it. I don't have the best penmanship and it is definitely not a wall frame material.

First, I checked that I had enough scrapbook paper to fit my frame. Since I didn't, I had to cut some small pieces to cover the rest with the same design.Second, I choose all the relevant text that I wanted to include,
the ones that best described my family. Third, I printed the text in different fonts, making sure that they were in similar sizes. Fourth, I cut out the words and pasted it on the scrapbook paper that I had put together, using a plain blue paper to separate single words. I must say that I was happy with the result, I even added a

 family photo that further personalized the wall frame.  Except when I had it nicely hanging on our kitchen wall, I discovered that one of the papers I printed fell behind the table, the line that says we sing out loud, and every time I hear the little mister and little miss singing their hearts out to a veggietales song  or to their self made silly song as inspired by veggietales or to a  worship song, I feel like taking it down and doing it all over again so I can add that missing line.