
When feeling knocked over..

All I was doing was try to catch some sleep..
I just came home from a fairly quiet night shift and a friend had just told me that she might have to drop a shift, if I was interested. So I went to sleep that morning with the thought of possibly getting an extra permanent shift - only to be rudely interrupted by a call that meant rejection.
We are currently at a state where we are getting things organised. With that meant creating new deliberate habits and making an effort to cut down on interest rates  or at least cutting down on payment period. With that in mind we went to see someone, only, on this particular morning I had to get that call that they did not want our business. Fair enough! I just wish we got the call another time, because I was really tired, I wanted to sleep and had plenty of room to cry.
And cried I did, towards God - it seemed like a perfect plan, how can we NOT get it, are you hearing me at all? - and being the drama queen that I am, I actually felt better afterwards.
I was just grateful that on that weekend at church, our Pastor's message was on the timezones of grace. I am not  going to rehash what he said because it is available on podcast for anyone interested. What I stood out for me though was the way he explained and illustrated Psalm 23:6 that says surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. He then called two guys to represent goodness and mercy and made then follow him as he mentioned situations, good or challenging.
How easy is it to forget the promise of God's word?  How often would  I rather try and sort out things on my own? But how blessed was I that I just had a reminder that goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, be it during times of rejoicing such as when my little boy tells me he will never ever stop telling me he loves me or times like this, when I felt unfairly treated and knocked over what I thought was a great business!
While I can't do anything about other people's reaction, I sure can do something about my attitude and reaction over every situation that I face.
A few weeks later I got a call from work asking if I was interested to get more shifts..I only asked for one - I got given three more permanent shifts. And it works out really nicely because it is no longer all over the place and I got my kids an extra day at preschool, which means I can sleep for at least four straight hours without them jumping on me or wanting my attention. Surely goodness and mercy follow me....