
This Parenting Gig

 I have to admit to getting easily frustrated . And it has mostly to do with my toddlers. Maybe because they are with me most of the time that when they ignore me when I ask them to do something, it really gets to me. I find myself screaming and saying things I don't mean that at some point, I just zip my mouth and bite my tongue out of guilt because of the stuff I have said and done.

When I go through such mixture of emotions, it makes me think that one reason why God gifted humanity with the privilege of raising the next generation is to show us what we are like in our relationship with him. I feel like in the midst of my own emotional rollercoaster that God is reminding me of how gracious he is to me, and how much he loves me no matter how I behave. And with all the love and grace showered on me, I won't be able to help it but show grace towards others, especially to my own cheeky toddlers.

A mum friend aptly said it when she messaged that she honestly doesn't know how we can parent without Jesus. It is challenging enough to be parents to kids when you are relying on a power beyond your own strength. It is even worst when you live in a world where you have to try an live up to standards that's way out of this world and impossible to live up to. I can only agree with my friend, after an ongoing battle with toddlers who have minds of their own with just about everything. And while I am at it, I pray that these little people that we have been entrusted to raise will remember a grace-filled upbringing, because we received the same, God help us.

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