
Answered Prayer

I am loving every chance i get to include our toddlers at prayer time. It is just amazing how simple and straightforward they talk to God and how excited they get to see Him work after they say a prayer.

A few weeks ago we were looking out for beds for them but we didn't want to spend a lot of money for it. I started checking gumtree for free or cheap, good condition trundle or bunk beds and found really greatly priced beds of the same style
this is probably my favourite from bedsonline but it is a little bit beyond us

and make as the really expensive ones. I also went to ebay to see what is available but most of it was just beyond what we were happy to pay for. I saw this red racing car trundle beds with a buy it now price of AUD150 and a starting bid of  $50 with no bidders at

3 days to go. It was a neat looking bed, one that our little mister will surely like but probably not good for him seeing that he is already obssesed with anything  cars. I thought I'd still show it to hubby and he did share my sentiment. I kept lurking at this item anyway until less than two days to go, hubby said I should bid. I did put in $ 51 as my highest bid but after a couple of hours I was outbid. With under one day to go I increased my bid to $ 99.99 and the price went up to $ 81 and I thought if the other bidder was really keen, it will be really easy for me to get outbid considering the difference. Hubby said I could go as far as much as $ 200 because when people started bidding, the seller removed the buy it now price. Although I thought the bed is worth more, we could have just gone for the buy it now price earlier so at three hours to go, I set my alarm at five minutes before the end of the bidding soI can make my final offer. I then called the little mister and the little miss and asked them how they liked the bed. As expected, the little mister gave a loud 'yes please' while the little miss matter of factly said it is her brother's bed. I told them that if they really really want the bed, then they have to pray and ask God for it. Without question they went ahead and ASKed, one at a time and after they said their AMENs, smiled their biggest smiles in obvious excitement.

They had naps after that and I went on to do some chores downstairs while my phone which I used as alarm was charged upstairs. While I was getting something upstairs, I heard the alarm which has probably been ringing for a while. I immediately ran to the desktop to see how the bidding was going and sure enough it has ended. And then I saw the final price - $81!!!! I couldn't believe it! I then called the two to let them know

little miss showing how comfy the bed from little mister's side
 that the bed is theirs and we all thanked God in unison. The scripture that came to mind was Matthew 21:16 from the NIV "Do you hear what these children are saying?" they asked him. "Yes," replied Jesus, "have you never read, "'From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise'?"


Fact vs Truth 2007

Originally posted in March 2007 in another blog that I am about to shut down -

Myles Munroe made a distinction between fact and truth. He explained that fact is a description of the present state of things while truth refers to God's original intent during creation.

While many of us are stuck with unpleasant facts of life, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is our lot forever.In fact things can change, if we focus on the truth of God's word, instead of what is trivial.

I have listed down some obvious facts and what the Word has to say about them. Feel free to add:

FACT: hunger, debt, lack     
TRUTH: God's riches will meet ALL needs

FACT: immorality, adultery    
TRUTH: God saves and He forgives. Anyone can start over again and have a clean slate with Him.

FACT: separation from family and loved ones  
TRUTH: It is just a temporary situation and the distance will be linked soonest.

FACT: cancer, pneumonia, etc  
TRUTH: By His stripes there is healing. Sickness and disease has no business in a body that belongs to Jesus.

FACT: difficulty with studies; failing a test  
TRUTH: God won't take it against his people if we ask for wisdom and he will give it freely. We have the mind of Christ.

FACT: Failure to launch, feeling inadequate  
TRUTH: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has in store for those who love Him.

FACT: Loneliness, fear of getting old, lack of available men  
TRUTH: God knows our heart's desires. As we delight in Him, He will grant our hopes and dreams, even those beyond what we asked for or imagine.

FACT: Unmet Needs  
TRUTH: provision, God will not withold anything good from those who trust Him

FACT: Worries  
TRUTH: Worrying will not solve the problem; God doesn't want us to worry but to trust in Him.

On Waiting 2007

Originally posted in Feb 2007 in another blog that I am about to shut down 
I'm passing through what is probably THE major crossroad of my LIFE - marriage. To say that I married the man of my dreams would be an understatement. I always say that God must love me so much to bless me with such a wonderful person.

After we got married, I decided to leave my job so I can personally facilitate all the requirements so I will be able to join him in another country where he is based. Maybe I shouldn't have OR I could have seriously looked for another one. I thought the processing would be fast. But it wasn't after almost three months  that I finally gathered all the necessary papers.

The waiting part isn't fun. So is being in between jobs.While I thought of going to work often, I wasn't very excited of working under temporary employment, not that it is common where I am from. I felt that it would not be fair to the employer if I left as soon as I get what I was waiting for.

What I realized is my tendency to put my life on hold while waiting for something. It has happened to me before. I was left with a lot of problems afterwards. Most of all, i find myself stuck, not knowing what to do next.

My husband, ever supportive that he is, only has encouraging words to say. I've finished my interview and I am just waiting for the result of my medical exam.

As for the boredome that plagues me, I have come to terms with it as a form of rest. It's not like I am going to be like this forever..and I am not enjoying it, so I know I won't get used to it. In the meantime, I have bags to pack, thoughts to write, people to see, and much more! It is a busy life.

Swamped 2007

Originally posted in March 2007 in another blog that I am about to shut down
I had difficulty sleeping last night, trying to figure out a solution to a series of problems. My husband called it a mathematical equation. I said yes, considering that it contained a lot of figures.

It seemed like an end of the world situation, but there was just nothing I could do. Perhaps if I could turn back time, I would have done things differently, but that would be another story.I ended up tossing and turning in bed up until the wee hours of the morning, without getting closer to a solution.

Finally, I drifted to sleep, only to chase a Cathay Pacific flight right in the beachfront of Boracay. If it wasn't weird enough, I had to run from station 3 to station 1 in order to catch my flight. The plane left without me while I woke up sweating all over.

What a night! The morning wasn't as bad as I imagined. Things turned out well and I am still alive.
Worries do that - give us sleepless, restless nights, especially at times when we can't be part of the solution, but the problem is ours to solve anyway. It magnifies the problems to  scary proportions.

However, instead of dwelling on the problem, it is better to focus on the One who promised to help us with the solution. Then we can stay still even in the darkest nights knowing SomeOne is looking after us.

Simple Prayers 2007

Originally posted in March 2007 in another blog that I am about to shut down 

A few days after heavy grumbling about my circumstances, God spoke to me in the words of my pastor that brought me to tears. I shared them with my husband, who in turn shared it with his friend whom he said is going through the same season as us. I couldn't have written it any better so I got his permission to share it here:

1. We need to stretch our patience and hold on to our trust in God. That he knows what he is doing and we are in his thoughts, he hasn't forgotten us.
-we daily remind him of his promises for us for you and his word says is promise is sure.
Phil 4:19 ( God is able to meet our needs according to his riches in glory)

2. that God will meet all our needs according to His glorious riches and glory
His promise is to meet all needs, putting our visas beside all needs makes it look like a trivial prayer request and its a given that God will grant it. He's ability to meet our needs is " considerably bigger" than what we are asking right now. So we don't doubt his ability at all and thats why we trust in him in first instance.

3. His word
We can also look at it that It is legitimate and scriptural for a husband and wife to be together or desire to be. God promised to meet ALL needs.

And if we go on and on the bottomline is God promised and we can only put those promises back to him. We have done everything we can do in the natural it is God's job to do the supernatural, we can't do more than that but to wait for the fulfillment of his promise for us. In short we can look at his ability to meet our need, our trust in him enough to make us rest and be assured all is well. We just need to pray for grace and strength for this season we are in but we are not forgetful of his promises for us as his children.

I understand the waiting period will be a struggle but we just need to hold on. I try to look at this a new way lately. Each day is day closer to the fulfillment of his promise for us. A day closer to answers to our prayer. Thats my attitude in keeping an eye on the prize.

Second Thoughts 2007

Originally posted in March 2007 in another blog that I am about to shut down

The proverb that goes: "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" speaks exactly of my predicament. When around people, there are certain things and issues that come out that wouldn't have been a problem under normal circumstances.

Let me site a few examples:
School. I went to school at an early age when kids should be playing around. While all the kids in my neighborhood were doing their own thing, I was at first a visitor - seated in row 4 - until I was moved to row 1, beating the regular students. My teacher told my mother that she will move me up to the next level, she just needed to comply with the requirements to make me a regular student.

I did not regret being a year younger than the rest of the classmates, or finishing my studies one year ahead of people my age. However, I must admit that school became a place to keep myself busy or to get out of boredome instead of a venue to quench one's thirst for learning.

If truth be told, the more years I spend in school, the more I realize how little I know. But if I will ever go back, it has to be because I want to learn more, I want to pursue a passion and not just to entertain myself out of nothing better to do.

Family. I come from a regular, imperfect family - close, but maybe not really, to others. I mean, we can go for a while without talking to each other and we are okay with that. We genuinely care for each other, and the way we communicate it has never really been a problem.

However, when someone who comes from a family like mine,  gets exposed to other types of families - some who are really, really close or others who don't even care, it makes one examine if something is right or wrong.

I thank God for the parents He gave me. I appreciate that He made me and my siblings different. Our communication skills may be wanting, but that's how we are are. We wouldn't be ourselves if we did things differently. And just because we don't conform to the views and experiences of other people won't make things right or wrong - just different.

Sermons. Someone once told me that I am very confusing, and maybe so but a moderate amount of sermon is good for the soul. I am not perfect, and I can use a word or two once in a while, but please, don't get carried away.

Work. If I knew then what I know now, I'm sure I would have done things differently. Of course some things will remain the same, like resigning from my previous job. My German boss kept me on my toes, and if I stayed longer I would probably have a heart problem. Nothing wrong with that, except that I got used to being given a project and left to myself to work on it. Also, I knew he won't let me take a more than a month leave from work so it was necessary.

While working on my papers, I did answer to want adds, but I must confess it wasn't as serious as I should. I feel guilty about not working, but I feel more guilty knowing that I will leave anytime and it wouldn't be fair to the employer. And I have to make up a reason when I need to take time off to attend to my application.
Having said all of the above, I must say that I am God's work in progress. So are you. Which brings me to the next point: Life and its' many choices. When confronted with other people's opinion, I can become bitter or better. If I am smart at all, I will choose the one that will make a better person out of me.

Overflow of Thanksgiving 2007

this was posted in april 2007

As a young woman, I made a decision early in life that I will never marry someone from the military or who works as a seaman. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against this professions and I do have friends among them. It was just that I thought that there is no point in getting married and being separated from your spouse for a long period of time. It was a personal choice without any intention of offending anyone.

When I got married last year, I didn't have to confront the issue since I married a man who thinks our children should live with us until they finish a post graduate education. Obviously we share the same attitude towards family togetherness, with a slight difference in terms of the length.

Of course we both knew that there will be a short period that we will be away from each other, but we will eventually be together. What we didn't realize is that it will take us three months to complete the necessary documents plus another  month or so to process the application.

While I am not pointing fingers or shifting blames, I must admit that the past four months hasn't been easy. It seemed like forever. We've been waiting for two months now since we submitted our papers but the great divide between us doesn't seem to close anytime soon. At least that is how it looks. What with many cold, sleepless nights coupled with loneliness attacks.

But God do not operate based on our senses and his works should never be judged based on our feelings.
I have to admit that He seemed invisible, as if He had forgotten me or worst, He simply doesn't care. For two days those thoughts filled my mind. However, knowing God, I knew in the end that He is not to blame, that I will come crying before Him like always. But I also needed the secure feeling of assurance that He is indeed doing something. So for two days I ignored Him. I went to His word to confirm that He has no intention of getting back at me.

Inspite of my wavering faith and tremendous bouts with doubt, it didn't seem to shake God - for faithful is His name! He came in the form of my husband, whom I call the sermonator, -always speaking with wisdom, encouragement and love. He spoke through the weekend service, reminding me that I need to walk tall, stay above my circumstances and confess God's sustaining grace in this time of separation.

I thanked my friend who preached the Word and told him how he singled me out in his preaching. I knew it was God reminding me that He has not forgotten me!

I don't want to be known as a person who was so close to getting her prayers answered, except that I was always whining that God had to delay the answer, in order to correct my attitude. I would like to be His daughter who exercised her faith towards her faithful Father. I would like to be a wife who brings joy and pride to her husband and family.I would like to be someone who stood tall and held on to His maker just because he said Trust me in this. I would like to be a woman of faith who overflows with thanksgiving because it is the right thing to do.

Self Talk 2007

 This was originally posted in June 2007, i am just moving my blogs in one place -

I'm reading a book entitled You are What You Think by Dr. David Stoop wherein one of the issues he raised is the relationship between anger and self talk. For someone who has been told that I have anger management issues(you know who you are!), I took great interest on the subject in my effort to become a better, more pleasing person before God.

It was pointed out that our demands tend to intensify our emotions that often lead to anger. In order to defuse anger, such demands should be changed to wants and desires.

After going through my rants, my self talk in certain areas should be changing real soon:

        1. I wish I am braver and stronger.
        2. I am battling with sadness and loneliness. I wish I understand what is going on.
        3. Eventhough I don't understand, I still believe God is in control over every situation in my life.
       4. I wish I will get hired for that writing job I applied for.
       5. I may not have all the money in the world, but I know that God will meet all my needs according to His glorious riches and glory.
       6. God, I need more patience.
      7. People are tactless and insensitive of other people's feelings. I wish they can be more considerate.

God is NEVER Late 2007

 This was originally posted in August 2007, I am just putting my bloggs in one place -
It all happened so quickly. First, my husband came to see me after seven months of separation. Next thing we knew, I had to get ready so I can travel back with him. Not that I need to start from scratch. I was practically packed since February 2007, even before the embassy gave me an interview schedule.

Looking back at the months that passed, it leaves me red with embarrasment before God, considering the attitude that I had towards Him. I wasn't at my best. I grumble at every opportunity, getting back to my senses once in a while, only to get back, far worst than where I started. It was very easy for me to forget who God is and allow my situation to get the best of me. But with all my complaints and rants before God, what really brought me through it was going back to His word every time. My husband and I would pray over the phone and encourage each other that it wasn't God's plan for us to be away from each other. My in-laws would call all the way from Africa to cheer me up and speak blessing over our situation. They even organized a prayer chain to ask, seek and knock the doors of heaven.

I guess few of my friends understood the impact of the perennial question of when I was leaving affected me. It was a question that I couldn't answer. Aside from my case officer, only God could possibly know.

Towards the end of June 2007, it became clear to me that I was leaving very soon. I was sad that I wasn't able to go home to my parents, but my mother's surprise made up for it. It wasn't easy to leave, but it's for the best.

It may have appeared to me that God was silent the whole time, but I knew from His spoken word that He cares. He promised to NEVER leave or forsake me. Over and above everything that I learned out of the situation, it is that God is never late. He is always on time.

At times He just wants me to trust Him completely - His timing, and to exhibit more patience in my life.

To wait or not to wait 2007

This was originally posted in October 2007 and I am just moving my blogs in one place - 
It seems that life is full of waiting. That's what I discovered after having lived over thirty years on earth. Just when you think your done with it, another episode of life comes that requires more waiting.

In my case for instance, after what seemed like eternity, I finally joined my husband in a distant land. Boy, did I think I was ready for it - only to find myself crying some days just because I was left at home with nothing much to do. I did keep myself preoccupied by looking for a job, but getting an interview seemed like a challenge. When I do get one, I would get lost on the way, fall short of the requirement or simply be met with stiff competition. I thought of volunteering, but even that requires getting shortlisted. Going to back to school floated as another option, which will take time, money and effort when what I really want to do is work.

Finally, after coming to terms that I may have to become a plain housewife just like my dream job, I received a call from an interview the day before - the one that gave me a headache- with an offer to work for them. I accepted without hesitation since my background and skills coincided with their requirement and I have decided to make a long term career in that area.

I know it is not the end of my waiting sprees. When things will settle, something new will come up again. What I need is to learn to relax, take things easy and enjoy every single situation that will require me to wait. Most importantly, I need to remember that God is in the midst of every situation that I get into.

Trusting God Oct 2007

I originally wrote this in October 2007 and I am just moving all my blogs in one place -

When God tells you to trust Him, at times it can be easier said than done. Especially if you don't particularly like the way you have to wait and abandon yourself to Him. In a way, this concludes my three-month struggle over something very important to me. It doesn't mean however, that I am over it. I still cry when I think about it, to be honest. But I am trusting God for His grace every time.

Growing up in my Christian faith, I resolved early the importance of the spiritual family that God added me into. I learned that even in the choice of a local church, it is very important to seek God and aspire for accuracy in order not to miss His destiny for my life. I also realized that my personal purpose and destiny should align with that of my local church, otherwise, I will miss the best that God has in store for me. Over the years I learned to honor God and advance His kingdom through discipleship, leadership and church planting. Apart from leadership and discipleship, I also learned to treasure and value  evangelism, lordship and family.

To say that church is an important part of my daily life would be an understatement. Imagine the struggle and rollercoaster emotions that I went through after getting uprooted from my local church, only to discover that I will be going to a different spiritual family, thanks to my husband and God's private discussion. To make matters more difficult, it is written in stone and my slightest opposition would be getting in the way of God's plan.

Truthfully I found it unfair that God wouldn't tell me of this surprise turn of events. I would at least have prepared myself and not have struggled over the changes. I found it overwhelming considering all the changes that I am currently going through. I didn't realize everything to happen at the same time. When I go through certain issues in my life, I have always had my church around me with all the support, acceptance, and encouragement surrounding me. Instead, I am feeling all alone in a sea of strangers that I can't help but feel lost and alone.

Everything familiar to me is gone, including church. The sad thing is, there is one a few suburbs away from where we live, that shared the same mission, vision and values. They also "do" church exactly the same way where I am from. It practically left me mortified and miserable for days. I felt like I was missing out on what God wants me to do. I felt like I had to start all over again in terms of my purpose, mission and vision. But most importantly, I felt lost and groping for light in a dark tunnel.

Don't get me wrong, this new church is great and their passion and worship touches heaven. But they are not my spiritual family - I didn't grow up with them and they do thing differently from what I am used to. I guess my husband couldn't see what strong ties I have with my spiritual family and how it is not easy for me, especially that there is one church like that close by.

A few nights ago, I was listening to a preaching on marriage relationship and God just spoke to me though the message. Since He has placed me under the leadership of my husband, I need to submit to him, as long as he is not leading me to sin, whether or not I necessarily agree with his choice. Trust me is what I heard God speaking to me. I pray for abundant grace to obey Him and see things the way He does.

City2Surf 2008

Those who know me will be the first to say how difficult it is for me to go to the gym or engage in any physical activity in the name of fitness. I had this mindset that exercise is only for those who want to loose weight, which didn't include me until all the carbs I've accumulated started catching up with me when I reached my 30's.

On the 10th of August 2008, I joined City2Surf, a 14 km fun run (or walk in my case) sponsored by the
Back of the pack

Sun Herald newspaper, and is held in Sydney Australia. The race is one of the biggest running races in the world and attracts over 70,000 participants.No I wasn't thinking of getting fit in the first instance. As I was

organizing the Habitat for Humanity Team, I guess I felt compelled to join the team first. Of course I also enlisted hubby, who initially thought that I was joking about the whole thing.

Let me just say that I finished the race - 55843rd over the line with a time of under 3 hours ( ok - so it was 2 hrs 58 min 40 sec :p ) It was fun, seriously! And all I could think of was the whole grilled ribs I was going to have after the finish line! I had so much fun, I'd do it again next year - maybe by then I might even run..


Queensland Break June 2008

Every hard work deserves a day off so I took mine on a long weekend in celebration of the Queen's birthday on the 6th of June. We were on a one and a half hour flight to Brisbane wrapped in layered clothing and jacket only to land in a sunny city. I guess one can call it love at first sight and it seriously brought me to thinking that God must love them locals soo much, they get to keep the sun more often compared to the other states.

Surfers Paradise is true to its name. It was for me an urban version of Boracay. At Movieworld, I relived my childhood by posing with batman and robin as well as tweety.
 I also took, along with the mister, a daring ride at the lethal weapon, which in my opinion is the most deadly ride in that theme park. A holiday is not complete without shopping and Harbourtown just blew my wallet away- well not too much as we got there at 4pm and they closed at 5:30pm. That 6-hour return drive to 

Towoomba was well worth it having met Asraf and his beautiful family. We spent our last day with friends who made it extra special. Their offer to look after the kids when we have them made moving there even more tempting. 

Gran Family Anniversary and Birthday Party
How privileged we were to have witnessed their celebration of 18 years in marriage and their younger son's 15th birthday.

It was a truly fantastic experience and I'm sure it won't be our last. On our own, we would probably pack our bags and move without batting an eyelash. But we both know that we needed to stay on our knees and seek God on the matter. In the meantime, what we do have is a beautiful memory and happy thoughts of that trip.