
Simple Prayers 2007

Originally posted in March 2007 in another blog that I am about to shut down 

A few days after heavy grumbling about my circumstances, God spoke to me in the words of my pastor that brought me to tears. I shared them with my husband, who in turn shared it with his friend whom he said is going through the same season as us. I couldn't have written it any better so I got his permission to share it here:

1. We need to stretch our patience and hold on to our trust in God. That he knows what he is doing and we are in his thoughts, he hasn't forgotten us.
-we daily remind him of his promises for us for you and his word says is promise is sure.
Phil 4:19 ( God is able to meet our needs according to his riches in glory)

2. that God will meet all our needs according to His glorious riches and glory
His promise is to meet all needs, putting our visas beside all needs makes it look like a trivial prayer request and its a given that God will grant it. He's ability to meet our needs is " considerably bigger" than what we are asking right now. So we don't doubt his ability at all and thats why we trust in him in first instance.

3. His word
We can also look at it that It is legitimate and scriptural for a husband and wife to be together or desire to be. God promised to meet ALL needs.

And if we go on and on the bottomline is God promised and we can only put those promises back to him. We have done everything we can do in the natural it is God's job to do the supernatural, we can't do more than that but to wait for the fulfillment of his promise for us. In short we can look at his ability to meet our need, our trust in him enough to make us rest and be assured all is well. We just need to pray for grace and strength for this season we are in but we are not forgetful of his promises for us as his children.

I understand the waiting period will be a struggle but we just need to hold on. I try to look at this a new way lately. Each day is day closer to the fulfillment of his promise for us. A day closer to answers to our prayer. Thats my attitude in keeping an eye on the prize.

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