
Second Thoughts 2007

Originally posted in March 2007 in another blog that I am about to shut down

The proverb that goes: "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" speaks exactly of my predicament. When around people, there are certain things and issues that come out that wouldn't have been a problem under normal circumstances.

Let me site a few examples:
School. I went to school at an early age when kids should be playing around. While all the kids in my neighborhood were doing their own thing, I was at first a visitor - seated in row 4 - until I was moved to row 1, beating the regular students. My teacher told my mother that she will move me up to the next level, she just needed to comply with the requirements to make me a regular student.

I did not regret being a year younger than the rest of the classmates, or finishing my studies one year ahead of people my age. However, I must admit that school became a place to keep myself busy or to get out of boredome instead of a venue to quench one's thirst for learning.

If truth be told, the more years I spend in school, the more I realize how little I know. But if I will ever go back, it has to be because I want to learn more, I want to pursue a passion and not just to entertain myself out of nothing better to do.

Family. I come from a regular, imperfect family - close, but maybe not really, to others. I mean, we can go for a while without talking to each other and we are okay with that. We genuinely care for each other, and the way we communicate it has never really been a problem.

However, when someone who comes from a family like mine,  gets exposed to other types of families - some who are really, really close or others who don't even care, it makes one examine if something is right or wrong.

I thank God for the parents He gave me. I appreciate that He made me and my siblings different. Our communication skills may be wanting, but that's how we are are. We wouldn't be ourselves if we did things differently. And just because we don't conform to the views and experiences of other people won't make things right or wrong - just different.

Sermons. Someone once told me that I am very confusing, and maybe so but a moderate amount of sermon is good for the soul. I am not perfect, and I can use a word or two once in a while, but please, don't get carried away.

Work. If I knew then what I know now, I'm sure I would have done things differently. Of course some things will remain the same, like resigning from my previous job. My German boss kept me on my toes, and if I stayed longer I would probably have a heart problem. Nothing wrong with that, except that I got used to being given a project and left to myself to work on it. Also, I knew he won't let me take a more than a month leave from work so it was necessary.

While working on my papers, I did answer to want adds, but I must confess it wasn't as serious as I should. I feel guilty about not working, but I feel more guilty knowing that I will leave anytime and it wouldn't be fair to the employer. And I have to make up a reason when I need to take time off to attend to my application.
Having said all of the above, I must say that I am God's work in progress. So are you. Which brings me to the next point: Life and its' many choices. When confronted with other people's opinion, I can become bitter or better. If I am smart at all, I will choose the one that will make a better person out of me.

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