
don't call me bAbY!

i have a confession to make...and don't ask for specifics because you won't get any...lol! i called someone baby when i messaged him sometime not too long ago.

well? you ask??? hahaha! don't hold your breath..it gave him goosebumps.

i wanted to put on a poor me mentality with that response...stop talking to him for as long as forever..bury him into oblivion..but on second thought, i said, "yeah right! like i can actually do it!" hihihi! besides it didn't look like a very christian thing to do, apart from being uncharacteristic of me.

at the risk of sounding too self confident, i know a lot of people would kill for me to give them my slightest attention..much more for me to call them baby!!! sheesh!

so after a thorough analysis, i decided to act in the opposite spirit and call him baby nonetheless! that would be fun, right? i can just imagine him cringe everytime i send him sms, email or even talk to him on the phone..lol!! baby...winkz winkz!

yeah, baby!!!!

1 comment:

kAlaNdRaKAs said...

k9, thanks for your post! u rock, u know that????

i was sooo amused...super!!