
who's it gonna be??

..feeling lost, sad and mad at the same time...but wanting to write about love again...hehehe!!

if you were in a situation wherein you have to choose between the one you love or the one who loves you..who would you go for??

it is a very complicated situation tho not necessarily mine ~winkz winkz~ but i want to write about it nonetheless.

let's say here's this guy with whom you are VERY crazy about, you think you will cease living without him. of course you are aware that the chances of you having him all for yourself for the rest of your life is very slim...almost like one in every one zillion...different priorities, among others, but you take the risk anyway...after all, life without him is almost not living.

and then there's this guy, the sweetest thing..always available for you..would even do anything just to let you know that you are the most important person on earth..

any rational being would probably choose the latter. but whoever said the heart is rational? anyone who has loved will agree with me when i say that the heart always has a mind of its own. sometimes it is clearly not helpful...or even healthy, but you go ahead and follow your heart anyway.

however, all things being equal, given time and a slim chance i have a feeling Mr. Sweet Thing will catch up, and even capture a maiden's heart.

afterall, what lady in her right mind would go on chasing someone who doesn't even show interest on her? and what lady would not melt at a guy who makes her feel special in every respect? what lady would not be blown away when a Mr. Sweet Thing comes her way?

now back to the original question...the one you love? or the one who loves you?

the heart has soooo much explaining to do!!

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