
It just got me thinking...

a few days ago i received a word in Is 61 though my bible reading that day..i did post it in my previous blog.

anyway, when i first read the scripture, i was like, OK God, i am going through this heartbreaking situation right now, but you will turn this experience around. Out of this experience I can become a better minister to those who are grieving, those who are mourning, in despair and heartbroken.

i just realize that i usually treat God's word that way..almost like Martha, who's attitude is to serve, serve serve...Sometimes I read the word and ask how God can use me to be an instrument in making his word a living reality to others.

it just dawned on me that i may be suffering from a messianic complex after all...lol! or maybe i have reached a point of getting too familiar with my relationship with him. (I certainly hope not!)or i may just be too confident that indeed God's word is yes and amen to those who ask, yet what i do is simply receive his word without asking. No wonder i have been receiving this scripture in John, i think, that says I do not receive because I do not ask!

yeah i think it is the later...hmmm...lol

as for Isiah 61, i had a whole new perspective of it just this week...but i will walk you through it in an intirely different thread! ~winks~

the bottomline is, i have to be balanced, not just a Martha, but a Mary as well, who will sit in Jesus' feet. There is nothing wrong with waiting on Jesus, on being ministered by Him, on getting refreshed.

afterall, I can't give what i don't have.

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