
an amazing love story!

once upon a time, there lived a man who was eagerly looking for a bride.

he got out of a relationship because of some heartbreaking reasons. he loved this girl, but he knew he can't live the rest of his life with her. he knew he had to forgive, but he also knew he had to isolate himself and stay away from her for a time, because he didn't want to change his mind.

even with a failed relationship, this young man's desire for a wife did not go away. he laid down his cries before his God, with whom he has an intimate, vibrant and growing relationship. everyday he cried before his maker until one day as fate would have it, heaven's doors opened and heard his prayers.

it turned out that as early as seven years ago God already heard this young man's prayers through a gorgeous girl from his church!!! Although they never talked then, still they recognize each other being from the same fellowship.

two years later he left the fellowship.

you would think it was the end of the story...thank God it did not end there!

four years ago, he was finally formally introduced to her by a mutual friend. tho he liked her, they did not exchanged phone numbers and he didn't do anything about it. plus he was in a relationship so he pretty much didn't think about her.

as the heavens would have it, the girl's younger sister is in this young man's new fellowship!!!! whenever they have special activities, the gorgeous lass would visit and they would exchange the usual hellos!...but still nothing!

the girl's older brother is also a good friend of the young man, but they hardly have time to talk anyhow...until one day, he just felt the urge to see the older brother.!

that day she was not suppose to be in town, but instead of the brother, he found her!! when he entered the house, he just felt all of heaven shouting in unison that she's the ONE!

she did not see him enter the house, and he was too dumbfounded to say anything, so he just stood there for four or five minutes until he finally called her. All the while she was unaware that someone was watching her. she got up surprised, walked up to him and gave him a very tight hug.

the world stopped revolving and all of heaven sounded their trumpets in celebration. chemistry just flew from two directions!!!!

after so much prayer, the young man proposed..and with equal fervor and fervency, the lass gladly accepted and a happy ever after is on the way!


quiet storm said...

mam i love the story..it almost made me cry.:)hay!:)

Anonymous said...
